
3 Reasons that I love using visuals with children

Do you use visuals at home with your child? I really love visuals and use them with the children that I work with all the time.

‘Visuals’ can include a whole range of different methods including gestures, drawings, photos, or real objects. These can really help children to have success with the things that you are asking them to do throughout the day. Here is why I love to use visuals:

  1. Visuals help with processing information – If you think about how fast our words come and go, you can see why it is so much easier to process a picture that stays up than words that quickly disappear. Your child will have more success with following instructions or processing complex information when there is a visual present.
  2. Visuals help reduce anxiety – Having visual schedules or calendars can help children to understand what is coming next, which can help reduce anxiety that can come from uncertain situations. Some examples of this are a calendar that helps them to see when it is a preschool day and when it is a home day or a schedule for the day.
  3. Visuals help children to become more independent – Using visuals to teach your child a new process with multiple steps can help them to do it without as much adult assistance. Some examples of this are the steps in going to the toilet or washing your hands.

Visuals are so much more than just a way to help people understand single words. Good luck with giving them a try in your home!

Olivia Green
Speech Pathologist

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